This quilt, created for a grandson, has dinosaur fabric as the center square. It just begged to have dinosaurs quilted on it!
The quilt was pieced without a pattern, just 5" and 4" squares and as you can see it's very colorful! I'll do a future blog post about how to piece the quilt - it's really simple! The backing was an astronaut fabric so the past and the future were represented.
I chose an orange thread because I wanted the dinosaurs to show up and orange is a complimentary color to blue. It's also grandson Kire's favorite color - so it was an easy choice.
The dinosaurs quilting pattern has t-rex, stegosaurus, tetradactyl and others. It it's a dense quilting pattern, but wow, it really looks great. Here is a video of it quilting out.
I'm very happy with how the quilt and the quilting turned out.
The quilt is a large throw, very scrappy and I used Quilters Select batting in a single layer. I love how the stars float (no points to worry about!)
